
These are the default settings you can override in your own project settings right after the line which load the default app settings.


Category per page limit for pagination, set it to None to disable pagination.

lotus.settings.LOTUS_ARTICLE_PAGINATION = 10#

Article entry per page limit for pagination, set it to None to disable pagination.

lotus.settings.LOTUS_AUTHOR_PAGINATION = 6#

Author per page limit for pagination, set it to None to disable pagination.

lotus.settings.LOTUS_TAG_PAGINATION = 40#

Tag per page limit for pagination, set it to None to disable pagination.

lotus.settings.LOTUS_ENABLE_TAG_INDEX_VIEW = True#

To allow (True) or not (False) the tag index view. This option exists because tag index view may have performance issues and is not always required in some projects.


The tag index part will still appears in breadcrumbs since it won’t have any meaning to locate a tag detail at the root of Lotus breadcrumbs. However it won’t have any link to click.

lotus.settings.LOTUS_ARTICLE_PUBLICATION_STATE_NAMES = {'featured': 'featured', 'pinned': 'pinned', 'private': 'private', 'publish_end_passed': 'passed', 'publish_start_below': 'not-yet', 'status_available': 'available', 'status_draft': 'draft'}#

Available article state names.

You can remove an entry to ignore some states and they won’t be returned in article states.

Note than publish_start_below and publish_end_passed are only elligible with available state enabled and never if draft state is enabled.

In practice draft, publish_start_below and publish_end_passed states will only be visible for admin in preview mode since other users can not view this kind of articles.

In the same way the private state will only be visible to authenticated users.

You may change state value since they are mostly label however it can break some default lotus templates which may use them so you will have to override these templates.

lotus.settings.LOTUS_ARTICLE_SIBLING_TEMPLATE = 'lotus/article/partials/siblings.html'#

Default template to use for template tag get_translation_siblings with an Article object.

lotus.settings.LOTUS_CATEGORY_SIBLING_TEMPLATE = 'lotus/category/partials/siblings.html'#

Default template to use for template tag get_translation_siblings with an Category object.

lotus.settings.LOTUS_PREVIEW_KEYWORD = 'preview'#

Keyword name for preview mode in session

lotus.settings.LOTUS_PREVIEW_VARNAME = 'preview_mode'#

Template context variable name to set the preview mode in views.

lotus.settings.LOTUS_PREVIEW_SWITCH_TEMPLATE = 'lotus/preview_switch.html'#

Template path to use to render template tag preview_switch.

lotus.settings.LOTUS_CATEGORIES_TAG_TEMPLATE = 'lotus/category/partials/tag_get_categories.html'#

Template path to use to render template tag get_categories.

lotus.settings.LOTUS_ALBUM_TAG_TEMPLATE = 'lotus/album/partials/tag_get_album_html.html'#

Template path to use to render template tag get_album_html.

lotus.settings.LOTUS_CRUMBS_TITLES = {'article-index': 'Articles', 'author-index': 'Authors', 'category-index': 'Categories', 'tag-index': 'Tags'}#

Crumb title to use for views breadcrumbs, for each item key uses the url name and value is the title to display. You must not remove any of these, just change the value.


Not all views have a static crumb title, like all detail views use directly the object title as a crumb title, so they won’t be editable from this setting.

lotus.settings.LOTUS_ADMIN_ARTICLE_ASSETS = {'css': {'all': ('css/lotus-admin.css',)}, 'js': None}#

Form media to load in all admin views related to model Article. See Django documentation about admin form media definitions to know how you can edit it.

lotus.settings.LOTUS_ADMIN_CATEGORY_ASSETS = {'css': {'all': ('css/lotus-admin.css',)}, 'js': None}#

Form media to load in all admin views related to model Category. See Django documentation about admin form media definitions to know how you can edit it.

lotus.settings.LOTUS_ADMIN_ALBUM_ASSETS = {'css': {'all': ('css/lotus-admin.css',)}, 'js': None}#

Form media to load in all admin views related to model Album. See Django documentation about admin form media definitions to know how you can edit it.

lotus.settings.LOTUS_SITEMAP_AUTHOR_OPTIONS = {'changefreq': 'monthly', 'priority': 0.5}#

Author sitemap class options.

Supported Django sitemap framework options are:

  • changefreq;

  • limit;

  • priority;

  • protocol;

lotus.settings.LOTUS_SITEMAP_ARTICLE_OPTIONS = {'changefreq': 'monthly', 'priority': 0.5}#

Article sitemap class options.

Supported Django sitemap framework options are:

  • changefreq;

  • limit;

  • priority;

  • protocol;

And additionnally the option translations which except a boolean value to enable or disable the Translation mode.

lotus.settings.LOTUS_SITEMAP_CATEGORY_OPTIONS = {'changefreq': 'monthly', 'priority': 0.5}#

Category sitemap class options.

Supported Django sitemap framework options are:

  • changefreq;

  • limit;

  • priority;

  • protocol;

And additionnally the option translations which except a boolean value to enable or disable the Translation mode.

lotus.settings.LOTUS_SITEMAP_TAG_OPTIONS = {'changefreq': 'monthly', 'priority': 0.5}#

Tag sitemap class options.

Supported Django sitemap framework options are:

  • changefreq;

  • limit;

  • priority;

  • protocol;