Source code for lotus.forms.category

from django import forms
from django.conf import settings
from django.db import models
from django.utils.translation import gettext_lazy as _

from ..models import Category

from .translated import TranslatedModelChoiceField

# Use the right field depending 'ckeditor_uploader' app is enabled or not
if "ckeditor_uploader" in settings.INSTALLED_APPS:
    from ckeditor_uploader.widgets import CKEditorUploadingWidget as CKEditorWidget
    from ckeditor.widgets import CKEditorWidget

# Use the specific CKEditor config if any
CONFIG_NAME = "lotus"
CKEDITOR_CONFIG = getattr(settings, "CKEDITOR_CONFIGS", {})
    CONFIG_NAME = "default"

[docs] class CategoryAdminForm(forms.ModelForm): """ Category form for admin. """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) # Model choices querysets for create form get all objects since there is no # data yet to constraint if not original_queryset = Category.objects.filter(original__isnull=True) # Model choices querysets for change form filter objects against constraints else: # Avoid selecting itself, a translation or object with the same language original_queryset = Category.objects.filter(original__isnull=True).exclude( models.Q( | models.Q(language=self.instance.language) ) # Apply choice limit on 'original' field queryset to avoid selecting # itself or object with the same language # NOTE: This trick drop the help_text from model self.fields["original"] = TranslatedModelChoiceField( queryset=original_queryset, required=False, blank=True, )
[docs] def clean(self): """ Add custom global input cleaner validations. """ cleaned_data = super().clean() original = cleaned_data.get("original") language = cleaned_data.get("language") if original and original.language == language: self.add_error( "language", forms.ValidationError( _( "You can't have a language identical to the original " "relation." ), code="invalid", ), ) self.add_error( "original", forms.ValidationError( _( "You can't have an original relation in the same language." ), code="invalid", ), ) if ( and self.instance.articles.exclude(language=language).count() > 0 ): self.add_error( "language", forms.ValidationError( _( "Some article in different language relate to this " "category, you can't change language until those article " "are not related anymore." ), code="invalid-language", ), )
class Meta: model = Category widgets = { "description": CKEditorWidget(config_name=CONFIG_NAME), } fields = "__all__"