Source code for

from django.apps import apps
from django.conf import settings
from django.db import models
from django.urls import reverse

from ..managers import AuthorManager

[docs] def safe_get_user_model(): """ Safe loading of the User model, customized or not. """ user_app, user_model = settings.AUTH_USER_MODEL.split(".") return apps.get_registered_model(user_app, user_model)
[docs] class AuthorManagerEnabled(models.Model): """ Proxy model manager to avoid overriding default User's manager: """ lotus_objects = AuthorManager() class Meta: abstract = True
[docs] class Author(safe_get_user_model(), AuthorManagerEnabled): """ Proxy model around User model gotten from :class:`django.contrib.auth.models.get_user_model`. """ def __str__(self): """ If the user has a full name, use it instead of the username. """ return (self.get_full_name() or self.get_short_name() or self.get_username())
[docs] def get_absolute_url(self): """ Builds and returns the author's URL based on his username. TODO: The try..except does not seems useful. """ try: return super().get_absolute_url() except AttributeError: return reverse("lotus:author-detail", args=[self.get_username()])
[docs] def get_absolute_api_url(self): """ Return absolute URL to the author detail viewset from API. Returns: string: An URL. """ return reverse("lotus-api:author-detail", kwargs={"pk":})
COMMON_ORDER_BY = ["first_name", "last_name"] """ List of field order commonly used in frontend view/api """ class Meta: """ Author's meta informations. """ proxy = True