Source code for lotus.views.admin.mixins

from django.conf import settings
from django.contrib import admin
from django.utils.translation import gettext_lazy as _
from django.views.generic import DetailView

from ...forms import TranslateToLangForm

[docs] class CustomLotusAdminContext: """ Mixin to add required context for a custom model admin view. The view which use it must have the ``model`` correctly set to your model, if your view has no model then this mixin is probably useless. Also, there is an additional useful context variable ``title`` to set yourself in your view since its value is totally related to the view itself. """ def get_context_data(self, **kwargs): context = super().get_context_data(**kwargs) context.update({ **, "opts": self.model._meta, "app_label": self.model._meta.app_label, "app_path": self.request.get_full_path(), }) return context
[docs] class AdminTranslateView(CustomLotusAdminContext, DetailView): """ Mixin to display a form to select a language to translate an object to. The form does not perform a POST request. Instead it will make a GET to the object create form with some URL argument so the create form will know it will have to prefill fields "language" and "original", the user still have to fill everything else. Form only displays the language which are still available (not in original and its possible translations). Given ID is used to retrieve an object and get its original if its translation. Finally the form will always redirect to an original object. Despite inheriting from DetailView, this is not a ready to use view, you need inherit it to define the ``mode`` and ``template_name`` attributes correctly. """ model = None template_name = None context_object_name = "requested_object" pk_url_kwarg = "id"
[docs] def get_queryset(self): return self.model.objects.all()
[docs] def get_object(self, queryset=None): requested_object = super().get_object(queryset=queryset) # The requested object is already an original if requested_object.original is None: self.original = requested_object else: self.original = requested_object.original return requested_object
[docs] def get_context_data(self, **kwargs): """ Append specific admin context """ # All object translation around origin including itself existing = self.model.objects.get_siblings( source=self.original ) existing = [self.original] + list(existing) # All language from existing object translations object_languages = [item.language for item in existing] # All available language names and codes, suitable to a choice field available_languages = [ item for item in settings.LANGUAGES if (item[0] not in object_languages) ] # Only enable form if there is at least one available language translate_form = None if available_languages: translate_form = TranslateToLangForm( available_languages=available_languages ) context = super().get_context_data(**kwargs) context.update({ "title": _("Translate '%(title)s'") % {"title": self.object.title}, "original_object": self.original, "is_original": (self.object == self.original), "existing_objects": existing, "object_languages": object_languages, "available_language": available_languages, "form": translate_form, }) return context