Source code for

from django.conf import settings
from django.views.generic import ListView
from django.views.generic.detail import SingleObjectMixin
from django.urls import reverse

from ..models import Article, Author
from .mixins import (

    from view_breadcrumbs import BaseBreadcrumbMixin
except ImportError:
    from .mixins import NoOperationBreadcrumMixin as BaseBreadcrumbMixin

[docs] class AuthorIndexView(BaseBreadcrumbMixin, LotusContextStage, PreviewModeMixin, LanguageMixin, ListView): """ List of authors which have contributed at least to one article. """ model = Author template_name = "lotus/author/list.html" paginate_by = settings.LOTUS_AUTHOR_PAGINATION context_object_name = "author_list" crumb_title = settings.LOTUS_CRUMBS_TITLES["author-index"] crumb_urlname = "lotus:author-index" lotus_stage = "authors" @property def crumbs(self): return [ (self.crumb_title, reverse(self.crumb_urlname)), ]
[docs] def get_queryset(self): q = self.model.lotus_objects.get_active( language=self.get_language_code(), private=None if self.request.user.is_authenticated else False, ) return q.order_by(*self.model.COMMON_ORDER_BY)
[docs] class AuthorDetailView(BaseBreadcrumbMixin, ArticleFilterAbstractView, SingleObjectMixin, ListView): """ Author detail and its related article list. Opposed to article or category listing, this one list objects for language from request, not from the author language since it dont have one. """ model = Author listed_model = Article template_name = "lotus/author/detail.html" paginate_by = settings.LOTUS_ARTICLE_PAGINATION context_object_name = "author_object" slug_field = "username" slug_url_kwarg = "username" pk_url_kwarg = None crumb_title = None # No usage since title depends from object crumb_urlname = "lotus:author-detail" lotus_stage = "authors" @property def crumbs(self): details_kwargs = { "username": self.object.username, } return [ (AuthorIndexView.crumb_title, reverse( AuthorIndexView.crumb_urlname )), (str(self.object), reverse(self.crumb_urlname, kwargs=details_kwargs)), ]
[docs] def get_queryset_for_object(self): """ Build queryset base to get Author. """ return self.model.objects
[docs] def get_queryset(self): """ Build queryset base to list Author articles. Depend on "self.object" to list the Author related objects. """ q = self.apply_article_lookups( self.object.articles, self.get_language_code(), ) return q.order_by(*self.listed_model.COMMON_ORDER_BY)
def get(self, request, *args, **kwargs): # Try to get Author object self.object = self.get_object(queryset=self.get_queryset_for_object()) # Let the ListView mechanics manage list pagination from given queryset return super().get(request, *args, **kwargs)